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Shot Blasting

Shot Blasting Services In Peterborough

Shot Blasting Services In Peterborough 1Above is a before and after example of how we refurbished an industrial mixer by shot blasting and painting it.

With shot blasting, it’s possible to remove imperfections, rust, paint, and other layers of materials from any surface – from architectural or structural steel parts to vehicles and construction equipment. It's one of the main steps in coating preparation, as it creates an even surface perfect for paint or powder application. As a modern alternative to wire brushing, shot blasting can speed up the surface preparation process.

At GLW Engineering we offer an affordable shot blasting service from our facility near Peterborough. This can be taken out as a standalone service, or combined with any number of our protective treatments. We also undertake a wide range of custom steel fabrications. Get in touch to find out more.

Types of Shot Blasting Used

Shot blasting is typically done with small steel shots, but other materials can be used to suit different applications. These are the three most common types of blasting media:

  1. Steel. Small balls are fired against the surface. The final result depends on the size of the ball (from 1 mm to 6 mm). Smaller balls will create a perfectly polished surface, while larger ones allow you to fashion a rough finish – useful for applying certain paints and powders.
  2. Iron Grit. This material is typically used to remove paint from carbon steel since it's very aggressive and can't be used with surfaces made of soft materials (such as aluminium). It is one of the best options when it comes to ferrous castings.
  3. Steel Grit. This material is used where aggressive cleaning is necessary, to remove ingrained contaminants from steel e.g. multiple layers of paint and/or coatings, plus grease, oil etc. Again, steel grit is not suitable for soft or easily damaged surfaces.

Benefits of Shot Blasting

Shot blasting has multiple benefits and can be used for a wide range of applications:

  • Shot blasting doesn't need any harsh chemicals such as silicon dust to treat the surface. It's environmentally friendly.
  • It is more thorough and accurate to wire brush treatment.
  • Treated surfaces won't contain any leftover chemicals, dust, or scale content; it's very gentle to the original surface.
  • It creates a bond between the original surface and a shot blasted surface, adding a protective coating made of epoxy or zinc.
  • Removes defects or faults in bare metal surfaces.
  • Improves properties of the original surface – new coatings adhere much better to the cleaned surface.

Requirements For Shot Blasting

Shot blasting prepares surfaces for further treatment very effectively. However, it has application requirements that are necessary in order to maintain quality. For example, it's important to keep humidity and temperatures low using modern climate control equipment. This is vital when treating metal surfaces, as metal can oxidise when exposed to humid environments.

Find Out More…

If you need surface preparation for any type of metal component get in touch with us about shot blasting. You can call 01945 464 637, or send an email to

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